IOG + Stanford

Stanford IOG Research Hub

Research Hub - Call for Proposals 2024

A hub of blockchain research.

Bringing IOG and inter-disciplinary academics from Stanford together to work on research projects which impact the blockchain industry at large.

$4.5M - 3 years

IOG is providing funding of $4.5M over the course of 3 years.

Funding applications are available to faculty, undergraduate and graduate students.

Kick-off Event 2022

Please register by email to join the event.


Monday, August 29th, 2022 at 1-1:30pm. Google Calendar event.


The Fisher Wing at the Alumni Center (co-located with SBC). Upon entering the Alumni Center, turn right to the Fisher Wing.

Charles Hoskinson


Come to learn about the vision of the Research Hub and how to apply for funding for your research. No admission to SBC required.

Charles Hoskinson (CEO, IOG), Aggelos Kiayas (Chief Research Scientist, IOG), David Tse, and other steering committee members will be present to explain the vision and the goals for the research hub.

Steering Committee
