Tse Lab

Select recently accepted papers

  • “Three Attacks on Proof-of-Stake Ethereum”, Caspar Schwarz-Schilling, Joachim Neu, BarnabĂ© Monnot, Aditya Asgaonkar, Ertem Nusret Tas, David Tse, Financial Cryptography, 2022, arXiv 2110.10086
  • “The Availability-Accountability Dilemma and its Resolution via Accountability Gadgets”, Joachim Neu, Ertem Nusret Tas, David Tse, Financial Cryptography, 2022, arXiv 2105.06075
  • “DispersedLedger: High-Throughput Byzantine Consensus on Variable Bandwidth Networks”, Lei Yang, Seo Jin Park, Mohammad Alizadeh, Sreeram Kannan, David Tse, USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), 2022, arXiv 2110.04371