Tse Lab


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Former Students

  • Pramod Viswanath, Professor, UIUC, USA, Thesis: "Capacity of vector multiple access channels", 2000
  • Lizhong Zheng, Professor, MIT, USA, Thesis: "Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff: A comprehensive view of multiple antenna systems", 2002
  • Raul Etkin, Researcher, Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA, Thesis: "Spectrum sharing: Fundamental limits, scaling laws, and self-enforcing protocols", 2006
  • Leonard Grokop, Staff Engineer, Qualcomm Inc., USA, Thesis: "Interference management in wireless networks: Physical layer communication strategies, MAC layer interactions, and high layer messaging structures", 2008
  • Guy Bresler, Assistant Professor, MIT, Thesis: "Fundamental limits and insights: from wireless communication to DNA sequencing", 2012
  • Sudeep Kamath, Postdoctoral researcher, UCSD, Thesis: "Some problems in network information theory"
  • Govinda Kamath, 10X Genomics, Thesis: "Almost linear time algorithms for problems of computational genomics", 2019
  • Jesse Zhang, beacons.ai, Thesis: "Rethinking single-cell RNA-Seq analysis", 2019
  • Vivek Bagaria, Matician, Thesis: "Fundamental approaches to scale blockchain", 2019